MARIJUANA REFORM: Next Steps Southern California

A statewide conference to discuss the future of marijuana reform efforts in California.


Saturday, March 19, 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Ricardo Montalban Theatre

1615 Vine St, Hollywood


Sponsored by CaNORML, Drug Policy Alliance and Marijuana Policy Project, this conference builds on the success of a similar gathering in Berkeley in January and will feature a public discussion with drug policy reform leaders, medical marijuana advocates, legislators, attorneys, physicians and marijuana reform activists from across the state. All welcome!


Registration, ticketing and parking information will be available by March 1. (A modest registration fee will be charged.)


Event sponsorship opportunities are available. Contact: Susan Soares, Vibenation MultiMedia LLC (  310-923-3857;  or Dale Gieringer, CaNORML (  510-540-1066.