The Humboldt hills get a lot of visitors this time of year.  Most aren’t used to the road and the unwritten rules.  Locals can get a bit testy about the results.  To me, the main rules are:

  1. Stay on your own side.
  2. If you don’t know the road, drive slowly.  And, if you do know the road, for this time of year you might want to drive slowly  anyway.  (To my neighbors, I’m trying to remember.  I’m getting better I swear.)
  3. Each neighborhood has its own rules.  Ask about them.  Respect them (even if you think they’re dumb.)
  4. Respect people. If you are rude to the neighbors, then the grower gets an earful and probably won’t be interested in hiring you next year.

Liz Davidson suggested the following rules if you haven’t yet learned the rules of your neighborhood. 

If you have 4wd, please use it.If you have 2wd, take it easy! Slow and steady gets you there and saves our road.

Keep right! Your half is not in the middle!

Watch for kids, especially after school.

Uphill traffic ALWAYS has the right of way. (‘Uphill’ means the grade, not whether you’re going to town or not.)

Pull over if necessary to let an oncoming vehicle pass by safely.

If you pull over at night, turn off your lights while the oncoming vehicle passes. [In our neighborhood, this one might be considered a little odd.]


Respect our neighborhood