A recent internal Jared Huffman poll leaked to Roll Call confirms the now-conventional wisdom: Ms. Lawson, the phundraising phenom of this year’s congressional race, is leading in the war for second place. With Huffman way the hell out in front — in his own poll, at least — Lawson is battling back Norman Solomon, Susan Adams, and the race’s two Republicans, any of whom, technically speaking, might actually be ahead of Lawson. (They’re all within the poll’s margin of error.)

Who knows? What we do know is that Lawson is going to be in Eureka tomorrow, and as with everywhere she happens to find herself she’s going to be creating jobs, pixie-likeIn this case, at Ramone’s!

Lawson will be opening up the campaign coffers to pour hot French Roast down your gizzard, and you can also hang out and speak to the candidate in the form of a “Coffee Town Hall.” See announcement below.

Meanwhile, new campaign finance reports are due into the Federal Election Commission this weekend. We’ll see if the Stacey Surge has held.
