Eureka’s Tim Crlenjak, the self-styled “New Writer of the Purple Rage,” has one less thing to rage about this Christmas.

The colorful staple of the Humboldt blog commentariat today finds himself among the 79 souls upon whom Gov. Jerry Brown has bestowed an official State of California Christmas Eve pardon. 

Crlenjak’s crime against humanity dates back to 1990, when he was adjudged guilty for possession of marijuana.(Possession, mind you.) He served three years probation back then, and has since, according to the governor, “lived an honest and upright life, exhibited good moral character, and conducted himself as a law-abiding citizen.”

Faint praise! Let me add to the record that Crlenjak — a former U.S. Navy man, if I’m not mistaken — has also long been one of my very favorite blatherers among the Humboldt chattering class, so much so that I once invented a term to describe the experience of finding one’s self on the receiving end of his blasts.

It just occurred to me that I hadn’t heard from him in a while, so I did a quick and somewhat panicked Google search. Was this a posthumous pardon? But no! There he is in the Times-Standard last month, crlenjaking poor defenseless Tim Martin.

Congrats, Tim! Full pardon follows:
