Every year the Gallup organization collates a complete misery ranking of the nation’s various states, congressional districts and major metropolitan areas and publishes its findings in something called the Gallup Healthways Well-Being Index. This year’s is just out. It takes a dim view of life on the North Coast.
Overall, our ex-congressional district (the old First) ranks 287th out of 436 in the various quality-of-life metrics that make up the index — in the second-to-bottom quintile of congressional districts nationwide. We perform particularly poorly in Gallup’s “life evaluation” (385th) and “emotional health” (350th) rankings. Our “healthy behavior” (95th) and “work environment” (115th) indices aren’t so bad.
If you’re looking to take issue with the results, there’s a couple of ways you could go. The fact that things are broken down only to the level of the congressional district in our case means that our numbers take in Lake County — surely the most miserable place on Earth. Also: Gallup is probably most famous these days for getting things wrong. So there’s that.
Download rankings for the entire state of California here.