We know people in Humboldt like to make things

We’re sure Malcolm DeSoto’s short films about people in Humboldt making things will thrill us. 

Do you know who else likes people who make things and short films? Adam Savage’s* people!

To wit:

…announcing The Inventern, a competition in search of makers to become Adam’s next workshop assistant. Adam’s looking for someone with the right skills, drive, and attitude to help him on a special project—and yes, that means visiting San Francisco and working in the Cave workshop that we’ve featured over the past year on Tested.

Applying is easy. We just need you to film a short video (less than 5 minutes) showing off something you’ve made. This can be a finished project or a work in progress, but it should be something you’re proud of and would want Adam and the rest of the world to see. Hopefully it’ll be indicative of your talents, whether it’s in prop-making, woodworking, machining, or design. Makers of all trades and experience are welcome…”

Could this be you, Humboldt makers-of-things? If so, get to it! And good luck. We’re proud of you.


*No relation that I know of.