George Wolfe in ‘Rock the Boat’


In surf news, I heard the Jetty was going off yesterday! (Related: Bomb surfing. Wait for it. Don’t do it!) More seriously — not that explosives aren’t serious! — tonight is Ocean Night, which means a chance to get a vicarious wave fix with The Heart & The Sea, a sweet indie surf flick from Aussie filmmaker Nathan Oldfield.

Also featured, Rock the Boat, the truly epic story of satirical writer and boater George Wolfe’s mission to paddle the entire Los Angeles River. Have you seen the L.A. River? Why would he do that? As Humboldt Baykeeper’s Jessica Hall explained, “Like Don Quixote with his mule tilting at windmills, George Wolfe took his boat and rocked the LA River, proving to the Army Corps that it was navigable and pushing the EPA to declare it protected under the Clean Water Act.” Come out to ATL for the whole crazy — and successful — story.

Speaking of Baykeeper, they’re celebrating the first-ever Swimmable California Day on July 25 and would like you to join them and are offering up a tour of Humboldt Bay via the Baykeeper boat as incentive! 

Back to Ocean Night. Another bonus is, it ends early and you’ll be right close to the excellent Blitzen Trapper show at Hum Brews! One minor conflict, however, is the Humboldt Bay Harbor, Recreation and Conservation District, also happening tonight. That starts at 7 p.m. in the Woodley Island Meeting Room. On the agenda, a possible new oyster hatchery. San Francisco’s Bay Area Hog Island Oyster Company is considering locating a nursery on Samoa at the end of Fay Avenue. The NCJ has more.