Humboldt Co. Board of Supervisors’ Press Release:

Citizens now have the opportunity to publicly share their opinions on potential campaign finance reform in County elections, and they can do so from the comfort of their home. Two new topics have been posted on to the County’s online discussion forum, Open Humboldt, asking if you would like to see limits placed on the amounts of money candidates can raise while campaigning for public office within the County structure. 

The public is encouraged to log on and share their opinions at

During the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday, Supervisors discussed the issue of campaign finance reform and directed staff to post the topic on Open Humboldt so the public could weigh in.

Specifically, the topics ask two questions:

1.      If the Board of Supervisors were to pass an Ordinance for elected County officials’ campaign contributions what would you like to see?

2.      If you are in favor of caps on amounts an individual or organization can contribute to a candidate running for a County office what would you like to see the cap be?

The topic will be open until early April and the Supervisors will consider ideas shared on the forum when they discuss the issue again at a later meeting.