
New York media is all a-flutter with the mayoral race. The big Gawkerish question, as posed by Gawker, is: Where does leading candidate Bill de Blasio’s daughter, Chiara, go to college?

Answers are hard to come by, we are given to understand. All that is known is that she attends a “small school” in “northern California” that “is not racially diverse,” and that she majors in “environmental studies.”

Sound familiar? We thought so too, so we set about to prove that Chiara de Blasio is one of our own. Then, about 15 seconds in, we were disappointed.

Apparently everyone in New York City forgot how to Google. Chiara de Blasio does not go to Humboldt State Unversity. Chiara de Blasio goes to Santa Clara University.

You are welcome, New York.