BLM seeks your comments on King Range/Lost Coast access. See below.

Oh, fall! You with your gorgeous sunshine, intermittent rainbows, occasional glorious showers. Oh, and dramatically increased wave heights. About that…

Lesson from the Recent Past: Watch out for Waves, Relax about Radioactivity

From friend of the LoCO Bill Lydgate on what could have been a deadly situation this past Monday:

“Not sure that this is news, but perhaps it is an opportunity to educate the public at large to be careful at Agate Beach on high tides and big swells.

“The buoys are ringing in at 12-14’ at 16 seconds. Sets were surging at the base of the stairs and large woody debris was being swept around the beach by waves. Jay [local surfer] said he advised a couple from Reno to be careful as he passed them on his way to surf. The victim, on her first day of vacation, proceeded down the stairs to Agate Beach. She was knocked down and suffered a fractured ankle by a wave pushing a log. Brit, a surfer and retired lifeguard for State Parks, witnessed her plight. He and a few others were able to assist her out of the perilous situation and up a few steps before the next wave swept the base of the cliff.

“Cal Fire responded and carried the victim up the trail for transfer to an ambulance bound for Mad River Hospital.”

Be careful out there, folks! For a quick reference as to what’s happening wave and tidewise, here’s a link to the marine forecast and here’s one for the tides. You can also find useful apps for your phone. Simple equation is big swell plus high tide equals increased danger. Enjoy the view from afar.

On a less obvious threat front, folks have been concerned about the possibilities of inadvertently ending up with radioactive fish on their plates, what with the Fukushima fallout and all. The most recent news is reassuring — and a great opportunity to remind you that if you don’t catch your own, the next best thing is to head down to the Woodley Island docks and get it fresh and local.

Present Happenings, as in Today

Today at 1:30 on KHSU’s EcoNews Report, learn about the Mad River: summer steelhead snorkel surveys, history of the dams, toxic algae and this year’s low flows. Your experts are Dave Feral of Mad River Alliance and Aldaron Laird, president of the Humboldt Bay Municipal Water District. Tune into 90.5 FM or The EcoNews Report is co-produced by the Northcoast Environmental Center.

According to Harbor District Commissioner Mike Wilson, the dike at McDaniel Slough will be breached today at 6 p.m. “Great for the habitat,” Wilson says. “But I will miss the trail. Hopefully a walking bridge can be put in some day.”

You’ve also got your Wild & Scenic Film Fest tonight at the ATL.

Also posted today, an update that fits into the good news/bad news category. The good news: Ocean acidification is finally getting some attention as a thing policymakers should look at very seriously. The bad news? Ocean acidification. Eat those oysters while you can.

Back on the local front, in case you missed our previous heads up, take note that BLM is currently accepting comments on the proposed King Range Business Plan:

The Bureau of Land Management is proposing a new overnight use fee for the King Range National Conservation Area (NCA) backcountry and wilderness, and a fee increase for developed campgrounds.

The proposed backcountry and wilderness fee is $5 per person, per day. Fees at the Mattole, Honeydew Creek, Horse Mountain, Tolkan, Nadelos, and Wailaki campgrounds would be increased from $8 to $15 per night.

Full info at the link above.

Future Fabulous Social Events/Good Causes

From our friends at Friends of the Dunes: “Imagine spending an afternoon gazing out at the ocean, sipping on local wines and nibbling locally made desserts, cheeses, barbequed oysters and other tasty treats. Now add good friends, live music and fabulous auction items, all in support of a good cause. Bring this all together and you have the second annual Wine by the Sea, Saturday, Oct. 5 from 3 to 6 p.m.” Buy your tickets here.

Mark your calendars for the next Ocean Night on Friday, Oct. 11 at Arcata Theatre Lounge, which continues the theme of “Sharktober” with “Surfing and Sharks,” a film from South Africa about, well, coming to terms with surfing among the scariest sharks in the world.