Homelessness, drug use, Walmart — Eureka has no shortage of things to complain about. No shortage of complainers, either. Well, check it out: Now we Eurekans have a chance to put our keystrokes where our mouths are.

The City of Eureka recently began updating its general plan, the document that will guide future decisions on physical development, economic growth, social programs, conservation and more. Let’s hope it’s not as messy and prolonged as the county’s ongoing general plan update.

The city seems to be off to a good start with an intuitive GPU home page and a snazzy interactive website where it’s holding “virtual town hall” meetings. So if you’re disinclined or unable to attend the actual plan update workshops, click the links above and weigh in on How to Make Eureka Better.

The first virtual gathering is already in progress and will continue for 10 more days. Questions include:

  • How should the City address homelessness?
  • Should Eureka consider annexing land outside current city limits?
  • Where should the City consider putting new housing?
  • Where should the City consider putting new businesses?

With those latter two questions you can click on a map and drop a pin where you think the development should go. A few people have already submitted ideas. For example, “Luis R5” suggested putting some new businesses on South Broadway. “This area would be a perfect location for various retail stores and a welcome to Eureka sign would be a great beautiful thing to have there as well,” he wrote.

Lisa Shikany, the City’s principal planner, says officials are encouraging as many Eureka residents as possible to log on and participate. The first real-world workshop was held this past Tuesday at the Wharfinger, and the next likely won’t happen until late summer, Shikany says. So use the web doohickeys!

The update process is expected to take about two and a half years.