The San Francisco High Times Medical Cannabis Cup is happening this weekend in Santa Rosa at the fairgrounds. This event is a veritable dab frenzy. I don’t even know who entered the competition; I don’t even know who won, dabnabbit. What I do know is that this event is a total dab-hound destination.

Dabs at events like this are the equivalent cocaine at Studio 54. You can dab hard and it’s all good. Some dab divas and dab dandies over-dab (I’ve been there), and that’s all good too. Until it isn’t. A dab — does in fact go a long way.

Yesterday at 4:20 p.m. the temperature read 93 degrees on the fairgrounds’ electronic marquee. The venue was packed with marijuana enthusiasts a’plenty, dabutantes, dab dawgz, dab dads, dab darlings, dabbists and dabsters alike. This event’s dab swarm is male dominated — probably four out of five attendees are men.

So the “Medication Area” is where all the dabbing goes down. There’s lots of vendors with lots of buds and extracts and joints and rigs and vaporizers and ganga food and everything you can dream of for the getting-high-on-weed experience. This special area is for 215 recommendation holders only (mmm hmmm), and it is outside, basically in a big parking lot. So people were doing their dabskis out in the sun, with squinted eyes and sweaty brows. ‘Twas a fiery smoke session.

The “Non-Medication Area” is packed with vendors showing off giant size drying ovens (for extracts), massive hash extraction tubes (Humboldt growers have a lot of weed to process…), trimming machines and butane. Marijuana accessories and supplies for days. There are politicos and activist groups sprinkled throughout too.

People came from all over the state for this thing. I def met some folks from Denver. One dude told me he just moved to Calaveras County from Denver because weed is too corporate out there; his extract biz was being drowned out by those with big cash. So dude’s out to capitalize on the not-yet-totally-legal Cali cannabis scene.

I saw lots of familiar faces too yesterday, lots of people from Humboldt and Mendo showing off their marijuanas and crafts. Safe to say that the “Humboldt” name still carries weight when it comes to the weed, even though High Times the magazine seems to be all about Colorado’s indoor acres these days. Whatever. Cali outdoor is way better. The broader stoner culture will understand this someday.

Here’s a few photos from the day. Enjoy!

1. Dab safely — seriously.

2. Humboldt ENAIL in da house.

3. Amongst the bros one can find scantily clad dabbettes.

4. Free dabs. Indeed.

5. Nug jugs.

6. Dudes from Jersey selling big ass vacuum ovens (for making concentrates the solvent way).

7. Handsome Humboldt men: the Royal Gold crew.

8. Wait… Am I out in the hills right now? No, I’m in a parking lot in Santa Rosa.

9. Those Sonoma peeps with their award-winning Cherry Cola strain.

10. Mendo folks lacking signage — I didn’t catch their name.

11. Seriously — that’s “shatter” BBQ sauce.

12. Twelve-inch dab pancake = dabs for days.

13. Aficionado!

14. Mini-marijuana doughnuts.

15. Dab-tenders working hard in the sun.

16. More scantily clad working ladies.

17. Who let these two out of SoHum?!

18. Dab swarm.

19. Can the weed food at this place get any more random?

20. I think the lady on the right has extract stashed in her bikini bottom strap.

21. The “My Sonoma” film crew.

22. Jonah Raskin peddling Marijuanaland, his noir NorCal weed adventures.

23. Mmmm-muscles! The Baked Ladies do have some bomb.