Are marijuana growers going to destroy Humboldt’s waterways and hillsides?

A forum this coming Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Mateel Community Center in Redway will bring a variety of speakers to address both the damage to the environment occurring because of the marijuana industry and how to change growing practices for the better.

Kathleen Bryson, Humboldt County Defense Attorney and organizer of the Environmental Cannabis Forum, said that in the past she has been “on the fence regarding cannabis legalization.”  She was concerned that Humboldt’s economy would be badly affected by a move away from the black market. However, she says now, “protecting our environment comes before economy. Without drinkable water, clean air, and healthy wildlife, there is no economy worth having here in rural Humboldt…and you cannot regulate something that is illegal and underground.”

Speakers (see  information below) from a variety of professions will address the issues. The range is broad—from attorney, Paul Hagen, to Emerald Cup Founder, Tim Blake.  

Scott Greacen from Friends of the Eel River and Gary Graham Hughes from EPIC will discuss what has happened to the local ecosystem and what are some of the solutions to the current situation.

Paul Hagen will talk legal issues.

Tony Silvaggio, a sociologist at HSU and member of the Humboldt Institute for Interdisciplinary Marijuana Research, will reveal some of the information that the Institute has gathered.

Tim Blake will address what has to be done to ensure that the environmental issues are an important part of the retail market.

I’ll will also be there talking about the media’s portrayal of growers and the environment.

There will be plenty of time for questions from the audience.

“This is an “Environmental Cannabis Forum” NOT “Environment and Cannabis” Forum,” Bryson stressed. “I know that is a small point, but I want us to use the right words that state the vision. The two are not separate but in harmony…. or should be.  We need to make that happen.” 

More Information:

The Environmental Cannabis Forum

Saturday, March 8, 2014,

11am to 3pm at the Mateel Community Center, Redway, CA Generously sponsored by the Mateel 


Scott Greacen, Director of Friends of the Eel River

Kym Kemp, Humboldt County Reporter, specializing in Cannabis Issues

Paul Hagen, Environmental Attorney & Former Environmental Prosecutor

Gary Graham Hughes, Executive Director, EPIC

Tony Silvaggio, Humboldt Institute for Interdisciplinary Marijuana Research

Tim Blake, Owner/Founder of the Emerald Cup