By Photo provided by Darcy McRose.
Tom McBride passed away peacefully just before midnight at his Eureka home on August 12.
A renaissance man by trade, Tom was many things to many people: father, partner, quiet mover and shaker, as well as general steward of human integrity and goodwill.
Tom burned very brightly for many years and fittingly, with the Perseid meteor shower flying high overhead, made a final exit. He was well loved and will be remembered warmly.
Finally unchained from a body racked by Parkinson’s disease, he is now free to travel with us wherever we go. Please think of him often, and as you do, direct your efforts toward the maintenance of our wonderful, flawed species. His eyes will twinkle to see it done.
Tom is survived by his loving wife Susan, his children Erin, Sean, and Darcy, his three sisters April, Rene, and Mary, as well as four grandchildren and a great grandson.
A memorial will be held September 26th from 3-6 p.m. in William’s Grove on the Avenue of the Giants. Please bring food and drink to share and come celebrate Tom’s life in a place of concomitant magic!