Phillip Crandall, director of the Humboldt County Department of Health and Human Services, today announced in the department’s staff newsletter that he will retire early next year after more than 30 years with the county and more than a decade and a half leading its largest department.

Here’s the text of his announcement:

After 31 years of public service, 15 of those as your director, I have decided to retire effective January 31, 2016.

As the year unfolds, I will work with senior staff on transition issues related to managed care, regional approaches to the Affordable Care Act and the planned implementation of an enhanced system to assess and house the homeless in Humboldt County using state of the art Rapid Rehousing and Housing First approaches. Additionally, of course, I’ll be working to prepare the department for the changes ahead.

This next year will be business as usual. I will continue to work to achieve the the department’s mission and vision, and I know you and the new leadership team will carry it forward from there.

A life spent in service to others is, I believe, a life well spent. It is and has been an honor to serve this community, and an honor to be your director.