Direct from the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office’s green-tinted camera lens to your eyeballs! Law enforcement would like to catch up with the following folks!:

Gretchen Beth Brooks - (03/17/1977) - Multiple Warrants.

Shanan Leigh Bullock - (06/01/1967) - Multiple Drug Warrants

Rose Marie Cooper - (07/19/1981) - Multiple Drug Warrants

Sarah Michelle Cox - (09/17/1983) - Multiple Warrants

Emerald Elizabeth Dickens - (05/24/1986) - Multiple Warrants

Heidi Jean Durtsche - (12/11/1986) - Felony Warrant: Possession of Narcotics

Shayne Gregory Maupin - (05/01/1992) - Wanted for PRCS Warrant

Dennis Earl Hicks - (12/08/1977) - Wanted for Multiple Warrants

Mathew Granville Kilduff - (06/01/1974) - Wanted for a Felony Drug Warrant: Drugs/T

Jason Eugen Rice - (10/03/1971) - Wanted for Felony Warrant: Possession of Illegal Weapons. Arrested on November 11, 2015.

Beau Jackson McCabe - (04/15/1982) - Wanted for a Felony Warrant: Grand Theft

Dale Dodge Baldridge - (9/27/1977) - Wanted for Multiple Warrants