You misspelled daughter
A few minutes ago, law enforcement was dispatched to Fourth Street in Eureka after someone called 911 to report an “offensive” van they thought should be checked out. Remember that? We noted their distress on Scanner Traffic Indicates.
Quicker than LoCO could think “Hey, I wanna see that van,” reader Theresa Jennetti sent in these photos of what has to be the offending vehicle in question (right? If it isn’t, uh, we give up). Jennetti reports the van has Canadian plates and was parked in front of Delta Mattress.
But is it offensive? The best we could figure is that the same anonymous LoCO commenters that rag on us for our typos were confused by the fact that there was no comment section online for them to righteously point out that the van’s artist misspelled daughter as “daugter” and called in the fuzz to investigate.
And look: Now a comment section exists. You win, grammer warriors.
UPDATE, 4:13 p.m.: Yes, a commenter points out “grammar” I won the bet!