Above: Mira can dance!

When a hopeful local mom sends LoCO vertical video of her young daughter Riverdance-ing all over Humboldt County to a One Direction soundtrack and says, hey, this kid needs a bunch of online votes so she can score a free ride to summer dance camp, what does LoCO do? We Irish-spring into action, duh! 

Such is the case with Mira Becker, a Eureka 12-year-old who dances locally with The Academy of Irish Dance and Music. This coming summer, Mira would like like to enhance her Irish step dancing skills by attending Camp Rince Ceol down in Santa Ynez. The camp’s website indicates that this is a very expensive program, but they are holding a little contest which, as you’ve probably already surmised, entails voting for your favorite young Irish step dancer clip online. You have the power, Humboldt!

Now, Camp Rince Ceol is featuring many videos of girls Irish step dancing which you could conceivably deem worthy of your vote, but keep in mind none of the rest of these lasses, presumably, are from Humboldt. Therefore, your favorite is Mira. She will accept your vote. Hooray!

All you have to do is click over to this website, sign in (you can use Facebook!) and you will receive an email which gives you a link with which to confirm your vote. Is this a lot of steps? Maybe, but not as many steps as Mira will learn at camp this summer for free thanks to you. Rest easy knowing that. Good luck, Mira!