UPDATE, 8:14 p.m.:
#SummitFire estimated at 11 acres. Redwood Valley near Hwy 299. pic.twitter.com/npHyH8VGKP
— CAL FIRE HUU (@CALFIRE_HUU) August 13, 2016
A multitude of engines, water tenders and air attack units have been dispatched to a fire burning in a densely forested area in the hills north of 299, west of Willow Creek.
According to scanner traffic, a fire is burning at the site of a large marijuana grow 10 miles down Bair Road off Highway 299.
A large column of dark smoke is reported to be coming from the area, and one structure may already be demolished.
An anonymous caller tells the Outpost that a large explosion was felt in the area just moments before the fire began.
More information will be posted when it is available.
CORRECTION: Location of the fire clarified somewhat.
Photos submitted by an anonymous LoCO reader.