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LoCO hit the streets with Team STIL on Wednesday afternoon to help out with their efforts to keep Eureka beautiful.

STIL is a head shop and culture store located on Eureka’s busiest street, Broadway. A little over a year ago the STIL staff noticed the area was constantly covered in litter and decided to take action. Since then they’ve been out every other week cleaning up Broadway from Henderson to Harris Streets. The team is equipped with a shopping cart to carry back full trash bags, gloves, litter grabbers, and a sharps disposal container just in case.

“An important aspect is to be committed to doing it for a long time. Because the whole thing is, small things add up to really big deals when you consistently do them,” said STIL Owner, Jason Whitcomb.

They goof around and make jokes about the things they find and take photos and videos along the way to post on social media. The team says they actually enjoy doing it and not just because Broadway is cleaner or because passers-by honk and give them a thumbs-up, but because it connects them with their surrounding environment on a deeper level.

In just an hour and a half we filled eight trash bags and cleaned up a huge mess resulting from a ripped open Taco Bell trash bag. There were some gross moments, but who knew picking up trash could actually be fun and rewarding? See the full adventure in this LoCO Video Report.