Photos from the Humboldt County Animal Shelter Facebook Page.
PREVIOUSLY: Staffordshire Terrier Named ‘Felony’ Stolen from Humboldt County Animal Shelter
Humboldt County Animal Shelter:
The Humboldt County Sheriff’s Animal Shelter is seeking the public’s help in locating Felony. Felony is a spayed female Pit Bull, she is white with brown brindle spots on her face and back. Felony was stolen from the animal shelter the evening of 2/1/16.
On 11/25/15 Humboldt County Animal Control was contacted by a local veterinarian regarding a dog that was in their care. Animal Control responded and contacted a person associated with a local Animal Rescue Group that had learned of the dog’s plight. It was learned that Felony had been tied into the back of a truck and had jumped out while the owner was driving. She was dragged behind a truck for an unknown distance. The owner attempted to treat the injuries on their own until the Rescue talked the owner into allowing them to take the dog to the vet.
The dog had developed an infection and required intensive care and surgeries in order to treat her wounds. Felony was at the veterinary hospital for approximately two weeks while she was being treated. The owner never contacted the vet to check on the dog’s condition or to make arrangements to pay for her treatment. Felony was subsequently released into the care/custody of Humboldt County Animal Control.
The total vet bill for the treatment of Felony’s wounds came to $2767.39 which the owner is required to pay. The Emergency Medical Fund will have to be used to pay the bill which will impact the shelter’s ability to help other animals in need. HCAC made contact with the owner several times advising that the dog was at the Shelter and advising of the fees for treatment and impound of the dog. The owner refused to surrender Felony to the shelter so she could be placed up for adoption.
Due to the circumstances that brought Felony to the shelter, other prior contacts we have had with the same owner, and the circumstances under which Felony was taken from our facility we are concerned for the welfare of dog.
If you have any information regarding the whereabouts of Felony please contact the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office at 707-445-7251 or the Humboldt County Animal Shelter, 707-840-9132.