The mudslide 200 yards south of the Camel Rock/Houda Beach parking area blocked Scenic Drive and knocked out some guardrail shortly after midnight. By Ted Pease.
Powered by rain and gravity, another chunk of the Westhaven bluff migrated downhill to the sea early Saturday morning, blocking Scenic Drive about a mile north of the Highway 101 exit at Moonstone Beach.
The slide flowed over Scenic Drive shortly after midnight, dumping tons of earth on the roadway and all the way down the slope below the road to the beach.
No word on plans to clear the debris, although the uphill portion of the rain-saturated bluff looks like more mud may want to make the trip.
The slide is a couple hundred yards south of the Camel Rock/Houda Beach parking area, which is still accessible from the Trinidad end of Scenic Drive.
The mudslide covered Scenic Drive and continued down the ocean side of the road, all the way to the beach below.