Moonstone Beach underwater this morning. Photo: Jessica May.
The waters have been rising rapidly all around the coast this morning, drowning not only regularly flood-prone areas — King Salmon, the Arcata Bottoms — but even places that usually stay somewhat dry. Friend o’ the LoCO Jessica May sends us the snap above this morning, showing the sands of Moonstone Beach .
This is all due to high astronomical tides, winds and a big-ass swell. The National Weather Service issued a Coastal Flood Advisory this morning, and it remains in effect until 11 a.m.
If you’re going out to visit what is left of our beaches, take note that the waves are going to be high. Dangerously high. The NWS notes that a “large westerly swell” will be hitting the shores up and down Northern California today and tomorrow, making for big breakers. They say:
This will result in breakers of 20 to 24 feet along west and northwest facing beaches. The large breakers will lead to increased wave run-up on beaches with waves topping and washing over large rocks and jetties. These large waves can be erratic and unpredictable. Use extra caution near the surf zone as these large waves will be capable of sweeping people into the frigid and turbulent ocean waters. Never turn your back on the ocean!
Send us some crazy more tide photos, Humboldt!