Group photo of the multiagency taskforce involved in the Humboldt Redwoods State Park tresspass grow site erradication and cleanup efforts. Agencies and organizations included members from the CA State Parks Department, CA Department of Fish and Wildlife, Lear Asset Management Inc, National Civilian Conservation Corps, and CA Highway Patrol(not photographed) who gave support services on nearby roadways.
PHOTOS: James Adam Taylor.
Yesterday the California State Parks Department, assisted by numerous police agencies and others, tore out an active marijuana grow operation set up by trespass growers near Cuneo Creek Horse Camp in Humboldt Redwoods State Park.
Among the organizations involved was the private security firm Lear Asset Management, which made headlines about a year and a half ago, when Mendocino County timber companies hired the Blackwater-like group to tackle the trespass grow problem on their lands. As far as we know, this appears to be their first foray into Humboldt County.
Local documentary photographer James Adam Taylor — a former CCC Americorps member with an interest in public lands — was along for the raid, taking lots of photos and notes. Here’s Taylor’s report:
The site may be associated with the human remains discovered in the park in 2014 [according to parks managers at the scene — Ed.]. It was thought to be an inactive site and was even inspected a few weeks ago by members of the Humboldt Redwoods State Park staff, including Ranger Chris Glenn, after its discovery on Google Earth sometime earlier.
Plans for an NCCC [National Civilian Conservation Corps] crew to hike up and begin restoration work were squashed last week when Ranger Glenn and his NCCC Volunteers made the long, hard hike up to the location to begin their first day of restoration work. Immediately upon entry it was apparent that in the few weeks since initial inspection the site was now active. After safely moving out of the area, a task force from state federal and private organizations was assembled to go in and eradicate the site.
On the day of, authorities made their way to the location in the early morning, apparently waking three individuals who fled into the rugged terrain, leaving behind numerous weapons including a shotgun, an AK-47, and a large quantity of ammunition including handgun magazines.
The team gave chase but was unable to apprehend the individuals. After inspection of the area, a helicopter and private security personnel from LEAR Asset Management were brought in by helicopter to destroy the plants and pack out as much of the tarps, tents, tubing and debris as possible.
National Civilian Conservation Corps volunteer Alyssa Shuman wrapping netting befor helicopter transport to the Humboldt Redwoods State Park tresspass grow site near the Cuneo Creek Horse Camp.
PHOTOS: James Adam Taylor.
Paul Trouette, CEO of LEAR Asset Management clad in tactical gear before being carried to the Humboldt Redwoods State Park Trespass grow site via harness and rope suspended beneath a helicopter.
PHOTOS: James Adam Taylor.
Irrigation tubing, tarps, fertilizer and pesticide containers are among the loads of debris brought back from the remote trespass grow site in Humboldt Redwoods State Park.
PHOTOS: James Adam Taylor.
One of many plastic containers set aside for hazmat disposal, Terpinator is used by growers to increase resin and oil production in cannabis plants.
PHOTOS: James Adam Taylor.
LEAR Asset Management Inc. personell transported via cable and harness back to the Cuneo Creek Horse Camp unloading site.
PHOTOS: James Adam Taylor
The Cuneo Creek watershed.