Though they weren’t aware they were competing, retail employees at five local businesses recently participated in a Humboldt County Department of Health and Human Services secret shopper program. Find out who rules retail in the DHHS press release below:
Winner winner!
Five Humboldt businesses looking for some outside perspective on how well they’re doing recently enlisted the help of The Job Market.
The Farm Store, Humboldt Herbals, Bucksport Sporting Goods, Primal Décor and Humboldt Republic Clothing Co. had Job Market-trained secret shoppers come through their retail establishments and grade them on several categories of customer experience.
It was The Job Market’s first use of a free secret shopper program and a pilot run for a Customer Experience competition. The goal was to help local businesses improve how they’re communicating with their customers.
The shops were graded on quality of greeting, the offer of assistance and solutions, wrap-up, as well as the professionalism of staff throughout the process. A second tier of scrutiny judged window dressing and store cleanliness among other aesthetic attributes.
The Job Market secret shoppers reported that all of the businesses exhibited courteous and knowledgeable staff but the winner was the Eureka body art studio Primal Décor. Primal Décor was praised for its “deep devotion through every aspect of the shopper’s experience,” the secret shoppers reported.All five participating businesses received a detailed report outlining strengths and recommendations for improvement. The Job Market offers free Customer Service trainings and Better Staffing workshops should the stores decide to make adjustments.
The pilot was successful and will result in a wider, full-scale launch next year timed to coincide with national Customer Service week.
The Job Market serves both job seekers and employers and is a collaboration of the Humboldt County Department of Health & Human Services’ Employment Training Division in partnership with other workforce service providers. It’s open Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., closed from noon 1 p.m. For more information about services, call 707-441-JOBS (5627), or visit The Job Market is located at 409 K St. in Eureka.