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Several buildings at Hoopa Valley High School were burned to the ground in Monday morning’s wee hours under suspicious circumstances.
According to Stacey Hanson, public information officer with the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office, Hoopa Volunteer Fire Department were summoned to the scene at 4:16 a.m. Monday morning. When they arrived they found three structures — including the choir room, and the wood and auto shops — fully engulfed in flames. HVFD were able to extinguish the blaze. No injuries were reported.
Officials from the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office are currently at the school securing the scene in anticipation of the Arson Task Force.

Photos above and below: Rebecca Robertson

Hoopa High School students have the week off for spring break.
“It looks suspicious at this time,” Hanson said of the fires. A press release will be issued later today, she said.

Photo: Liaden Graham