MORE WEED: County Looks to Accept New Cannabis Permit Applications in Environmental Review Process
Humboldt County press release:
Humboldt County has just released a Notice of Preparation (NOP) for an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) that will evaluate the environmental impacts of proposed changes to the County’s Commercial Cannabis Ordinance. A sampling of the changes to the existing ordinance being considered in the EIR include:
Re-opening the application process to receive new applications
Adding allowances for recreational use of cannabis in addition to the medicinal uses currently allowed
Expanding the areas where cultivation will be allowed
Developing performance standards for controlling odor impacts from cultivation.
Comments on the NOP will be accepted until May 9, 2017. More information about the NOP and the EIR is available on the County’s website at the following link:
For more information please contact the assigned planner, Steven Lazar, by phone at (707) 268-3741, or by email at