From the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office:

In the last year the Sheriff’s Office, with assistance from the Search and Rescue Sheriff’s Posse, has successfully rescued more than 30 people in extreme snow conditions in rural areas of Humboldt County. It is the responsibility of the Sheriff’s Office to perform these rescues and they rely heavily on the Posse to assist.
It is with these types of rescues in mind that we have been seeking funds for an equipment upgrade. Currently the county depends on a 40-year old Snowcat to perform these rescues. The Snowcat that we’re using is broken down, undependable and unsafe. Safety is of the utmost importance to the Sheriff’s Office, so we’ve been asking for the communities assistance in acquiring a new Snowcat. Replacement of the snowcat is critical to continue our level of service.
The Posse has been saving money for years in hopes of purchasing the new equipment. Recently the Board of Supervisors generously approved a significant funding allocation towards the new Snowcat. This funding, along with the money the Posse has saved and the Sheriff’s Office contribution had left us $30,000 short of the total purchase price of $162,500.
On today’s date, The Blue Lake Rancheria generously donated $30k to the Sheriffs’ Posse Snowcat fund to assist with its purchase. We would like to thank the Blue Lake Rancheria for their generous donation to the Sheriff’s Posse. The Snowcat will greatly enhance our ability to perform winter Search and Rescue operations.
It should be noted that all donations to the Sheriff’s Posse are tax deductible and can be directly deposited at any Coast Central Credit Union to the fund titled “Search and Rescue Snowcat Fund”. (It will require maintenance) Checks can also be made out to Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office and mailed to 826 4th Street, Eureka CA, 95501.

The Big Check!