Photo courtesy Corey Fisher

UPDATE, 2:30 p.m.: From Caltrans:

The slide closure near Grizzly Creek Redwoods State Park has been cleared and is open to normal two-way traffic. We’re still waiting on floodwaters to recede at the fire station.

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Original Post: Eh, Highway 36 may not be your best route this day.

Caltrans and LoCO readers alert us to multiple points of obstruction on Humboldt’s second favorite path east. 

  • A slide about a mile east of the intersection with Highway 101 has led to one-way controlled traffic.
  • As we noted in our flood post earlier, the area near the  Carlotta Fire Station is currently fully closed due to flooding (see video below). Caltrans estimates  5 p.m. for reopening.
  • Caltrans also tells us there is a full closure in place about two miles west of Grizzly Creek Redwoods State Park due to slide. No estimated time of reopening at this time. 

More road woes can be found on LoCO’s CHP Watch page.

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BELOW: Friend o’ the LoCO Jackie Jackson sends in this video of Highway 36 right in front of the Carlotta Fire Hall at about 10:30 a.m.