The normal route to LoCOHQ near the Hookton Road exit this morning
UPDATE, 3:55 p.m.: More roads added to the damp roads list from Humboldt County Public Works:
- Shively Road - tree down PM 7, controlled traffic
- Zane Road – flooded
- Greenwood Heights- AT&T will reopen for the weekend and close again Monday morning.
- Crosby Road - open, slide cleared
- Horse Mountain - 12” new snow, clear to towers, carry chains
- Steelhead Road - slide PM .40
- Palmer Blvd. - Slide near Page Way
- Kneeland Road - Slide 1/2 mile up from Freshwater Park.
- Wildcat section of Mattole – reopened
- Friday Ridge – open
- Brannon Mountain Road – plowed, open
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Original Post: The following list of soggy roads comes to us courtesy the Humboldt County Department of Public Works:
- McCann Bridge - closed, under water
- Eel River Drive - open, slippery
- Hookton And Eel River - closed, flooded
- Hookton and Tompkins Hill - flooded
- Old Arcata at Jacoby Creek - flooded
- Cannibal Island Road - flooded, closed from Cock Robin to Crab Park.
- Greenwood Heights - AT&T closure from P.M. 2.5 - P.M. 5.0
- Berta Rd- flooded
- Elk River Road - flooded
- Graham Rd- flooded
- Howard Heights- flooded
- Wildcat section of Mattole - closed, three miles south of Ferndale
- Coffee Creek- closed
- Meridian - closed between Centerville and Port Kenyon
- Blue Slide - open
- Port Kenyon – closed between California and Market.
- Bair Road - 6 inches snow, chains required
- Bald Hills - 6 inches snow, chains required