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The Community Access Project for Eureka (known as C.A.P.E.) has made big strides in its first year of providing quality of life programs to disadvantaged citizens.

On Tuesday, a ceremony was held to induct its biggest supporters into a “League of Heroes” and dedicate an entire wall inside the lobby of the Adorni Center, titled the Hall of Heroes, to C.A.P.E.’s programs and donors. C.A.P.E’s Jenny McGee, Mayor Frank Jager and councilmember Kim Bergel honored the six heroes with a plaque and certificate of appreciation. 

“Community is where it’s at,” said Bergel. “Community is how we resolve and create solutions in our city. So I was grateful and honored to be here. It’s all of us working together to impact our community in a more positive way.”

Over the past year C.A.P.E has partnered with various organizations as a way to reach a greater population. They’ve hosted literacy projects with the Betty Kwan Chinn Day Center, provided gifts and classes to residents of the Serenity Inn, provided transportation to the city’s free summer camp at Cooper Gulch, held job and rent-ready workshops, took foster youth kayaking — and the list goes on. 

The project was developed by the City of Eureka and Eureka’s Parks and Recreation Department. It operates under Parks and Rec, but it gets zero backing from the city’s general fund. Its coordinators are attempting to get qualified as a non-profit, but currently it runs off grants, fundraising and donations from the League of Heroes.

In this LoCO Video Report we hear from some of the heroes and people who are working hard to make C.A.P.E. a success.