Ta. Da.
That was quick! After only 7 days — far less than anticipated! — London-based artist Dan Kitchener has completed his latest colorful traffic scene, this one on the side of the Buhne Building in Old Town. What say ye, art critics?
An exhausted Kitchener told us he’d received a fair amount of verbal admiration from passersby shouting up to him while he worked.

Dan Kitchener
“It seems to have gone down quite well, which is good because obviously I don’t want to create something that people don’t like. People have got to live with it every day,” Kitchener said. “The feedback’s been very positive.”
He’s not exactly sure, but Kitchener suspects that, in terms of square footage, this could be his largest mural ever. All that work left him sore — his neck has been subjected to a lot of looking up over the past week — so he celebrated the job completed with a deep tissue massage.
After this project he’ll head off to tackle new mural commissions in London and Hong Kong.
While LoCO was speaking with Kitchener a fan walked by and congratulated him on completing his “controversial” mural and asked him if he’d read any of the online chatter about his work or Amy Stewart’s response to it.
“I was told I shouldn’t read anything online,” Kitchener replied.