Heroin-Toting Eureka Man Arrested in Old Town After Being Spotted Smoking Meth by Plainclothes EPD Detective
Eureka Police Department press release:
Danny Herring
On 05/31/17, at about 1:45 PM, a detective with the Eureka Police Department’s plainclothes
Problem Oriented Policing Unit (POP) was looking for a wanted felony warrant suspect he’d just
observed in the vicinity of Third and C Streets, Eureka. When the detective entered the common
hallway of a nearby apartment building located on the 200 block of Third Street, he saw 65-year old
Eureka resident Danny Herring sitting in chair. He was familiar with Herring from prior law
enforcement-related contacts.
Herring was openly smoking from a methamphetamine pipe, which he unsuccessfully tried to
conceal from the detective in a nearby trashcan. After retrieving the pipe, the detective detained
and searched Herring for additional contraband. Inside Herring’s pockets, the detective located a
small quantity of methamphetamine, a plastic bag containing over one ounce of black tar heroin,
and 4 smaller bindles of heroin individually packaged for sale.
Herron was arrested and transported to the Humboldt County Correctional Facility where he was
booked for possession of heroin for sale. (Herring was not the warrant suspect the detective was
originally seeking.)
Anyone with information concerning suspected narcotics related crime occurring in the City of
Eureka is encouraged to call the Problem Oriented Policing Unit at (707) 441-4373, or the
Humboldt County Drug Task Force at (707) 444-8095.