317 2nd St., Eureka. Photos by John Ferrara.

UPDATE: More buildings have been added to the list below. The previous list only featured Department of Health and Human Services buildings.


The County has made an agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice to repair numerous county buildings that are not in compliance with Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Act standards.

According to a county press release today, the DOJ has given the County time to make the needed repairs.

Temporary accommodations will be made during these repairs for all county facilities not in compliance.

The agreed upon decree was proposed by the DOJ in September of 2016.

The county buildings in violation of the ADA are listed below.

 Humboldt County press release:


The County of Humboldt has entered into a Consent Decree with the Department of Justice (DOJ) regarding offices and facilities that do not currently meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. Under the terms of the agreement, the DOJ has given us timelines for compliance. While needed repairs are made, temporary accommodations will be available at any and all locations not currently in compliance, to make sure all of our customers and clients are able to access our facilities. Home services can be provided in certain situations.

Those facilities are:

Clark Complex - 3015 H Street, Eureka

McKinleyville Library - 1606 Pickett Road, McKinleyville
Rio Dell Library - 715 Wildwood Ave, Rio Dell
Trinidad Library - 380 Janis Court, Trinidad
Willow Creek Library - Intersection of Highways 299 & 96
Willow Creek, CA 95573


WIC - 317 2nd St., Eureka 
WIC - 1108 Main St., Fortuna 
Visitation - 231 2nd St., Eureka
Public Guardian - 1105 6th St., Eureka 
Administrative Offices - 507 F St., Eureka
Veterans Service Office -1105 6th St., Eureka
Comprehensive Community Treatment – 2933 H St., Eureka
Nursing/Children’s Mental Health - 77 Walnut Way, Willow Creek

Humboldt County is committed to serving all residents regardless of ability. Instructions for temporary accommodations will be posted at each location. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact DHHS’s Andy Rix at arix@co.humboldt.ca.us or the county’s ADA Coordinator, Jasmine Manuel, at jmanuel@co.humboldt.ca.us.