The test results revealed that all Burnt Ranch Elementary buildings were contaminated with mold, including the main Classroom building (Rooms 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and library), Room 7, the Multi-purpose Room (gymnasium and kitchen), the Bear Den and the office building.
The school district announced the closure immediately after an emergency board meeting yesterday. A letter from school superintendent Kathleen Graham was also posted to the Burnt Ranch Elementary website.
“The District will be working diligently to secure portable buildings for our campus so that regular classes can resume after the Spring Break,” Graham’s letter reads. “We will notify you of plans via the Burnt Ranch Elementary School District website.”
As of now, regular classes are canceled starting Monday. The school is offering students two-week independent-study contracts until April 7.
One community meeting has already been held, but another is scheduled for 9 a.m., Monday at an undetermined location.
March 24, 2017
Dear Parents and Guardians:
Today Burnt Ranch Elementary School District was informed that mold was discovered in all school
buildings. The District scheduled an emergency board meeting to authorize the Governing Board of the
school district, and with the approval of the County Superintendent of Schools, to close the campus
effective immediately, due to this emergency. The Board also authorized the District to enter into a
contract for the performance of labor and furnishings of materials or supplies without advertising or
inviting bids in an Emergency and when repairs, work, or improvements to the District are necessary.
In connection with an ongoing building project, the District commissioned an industrial hygienist to test
all areas of Burnt Ranch Elementary School. The affected areas compromised with mold have been
identified and are now closed. These include the Main Classroom building (Rooms 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and
library), Room 7, the Multi-purpose Room (gymnasium and kitchen), Bear Den and the office building.
Due to the closure of all school buildings, regular classes will not be held starting Monday, March 27.
All students will be offered two-week Independent Study contracts for the period of 3/27/17 to 4/7/17.
As part of the Independent Study program, all scheduled off-campus field trips will still take place. We
will be in contact with those details prior to any trips.
We have scheduled two community meetings to inform and take questions. The first meeting will be
today at 5:30pm. It will be held at the USFS station across the street from the school. The second meeting
is tentatively scheduled for 9:00am Monday, March 27, 2017 at a location to be determined. We will post
the information on our website and also send out an automated message with more details. We plan to
have all Independent Study contracts and work ready by the Monday meeting. If you are unable to
attend, we will make arrangements for pick-up or delivery of your child(ren)’s school work.
The District will be working diligently to secure portable buildings for our campus so that regular
classes can resume after the Spring Break. We will notify you of plans via the Burnt Ranch Elementary
School District website, and through our automated phone/e-mail/text system.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please call or text me at (530) 262-7250. My email address
Thank you for your patience and understanding as the District works through this emergency, to ensure
a safe and healthy learning environment for our children.