Doorstep package delivery-snatching is one of the more hateable forms of petty theft modern humans face in this brave new world.

These opportunistic thieves, commonly referred to as “porch pirates,” charge the doorsteps of unsuspecting people and swipe deliveries right off their welcome mats.

In response to this sidewalk thievery, McKinleyville man Mark Terrill decided to get a little revenge by setting up phony packages and letting his security cameras roll.

In the security camera footage above, Terrill records several strangers wandering onto his property and taking the Amazon boxes. But while these would-be package snatchers think they’re making off with a plunder of internet goodies, they’re actually running away with boxes of fresh yard clippings.


As an added bonus at the end of the video, Terrill also captures a couple of super-chill bros stealing a whole bowl full of Halloween candy before being chased off his porch.