MODIS satellite imagery from yesterday. | Images by NASA, compiled by the University of Wisconsin-Madison Space Science and Engineering Center.
North Coast Unified Air Quality Management District press release:
Ongoing fires remain active throughout Oregon and Northern California. The fires with the potential to impact our area (depending on conditions) are Southern Oregon (Klondike, Garner and Natchez Fire), Shasta into Eastern Trinity County (Carr Fire), Lake and Mendocino County (Mendocino Complex).
Forecasted West to Northwest winds will improve smoke dispersion but increase fire activity. Smoke from the Oregon fires will continue to drift South to Southeast into the northern interior portions of Del Norte, Humboldt, and Trinity Counties. Smoke will remain above the marine layer along the coast and will continue to pool in river drainages inland.
Recent smoke impacts from the Carr Fire in Trinity County are expected to improve with the arrival of Northerly winds. Smoke in this area should push to the East and Southeast with some settling in drainages during the evening. The Mendocino Complex remains active and no smoke impacts are expected unless conditions change.
• Coastal areas are forecast to have “Good” with periods of “Moderate” air quality.
• Klamath is expected to have “Good” air quality.
• Gasquet is forecast to have “Good” to “Moderate” air quality with possible periods of “Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups” in the evening.
• Orleans is forecast to have “Moderate” air quality with periods of “Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups” to “Unhealthy” may occur in the evening along the drainage.
• Hoopa, Van Duzen and Mad River areas can expect to have “Good” to “Moderate” conditions with possible periods of “Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups” in the evening.
• Weaverville area is forecast to have “Good” to “Moderate” conditions with periods of “Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups”. Particulate Matter (PM2.5) monitors are presently in Gasquet, Klamath, Smith River, Weitchpec, Orleans, Hoopa, Weaverville, and Eureka.
Updates will be provided as conditions change. For 24-hour Air Quality Advisory Information, call toll-free at 1-866- BURN-DAY (1-866-287-6329).