L. Coon, Fixer of Things, Collector of Stuff, Teller of Stories. He
was born in Eureka on April 9, 1942 and passed his final days in
the same city on December 22, 2018.
He was a true jack of all trades working in a movie theater, in forestry, in a paper mill and as an appliance repair man in two different thrift stores. He went to a trade school along the way and learned to fix VCRs (a short-lived career after the invention of DVD players came about). He also learned locksmithing which came in handy many times! When he wasn’t working a nine-five job, he was fixing cars (his own or those of friends and family), or making someone’s washer or dryer function again. He even helped out with electrical work in buildings for friends.
Neale was a collector of a wide variety of stuff. He always had just the right part or the right tool and the perfect gadget that someone might need or want. His wife, Janet, made sure his collection did not extend beyond the boundaries of the garage, but it was amazing what interesting things he could produce from that one space!
Storytelling was probably his favorite thing to do. He was never without some past adventure to discourse about. Even up to his last days in the hospital he had stories to tell — to the nurses, the meal-delivery man, and whatever visitors he had.
Furthermore, Neale was a fisherman. He taught his children at young ages how to bait a hook and cast. He brought them to the shore to gather surf fish by the bucketfuls when they were running. He also had them pulling crab pots from the local docks and he rewarded them with a wonderful crab feast and a love for the outdoors. Many times, when one of his kids asked him what was for dinner he would reply with, “Fish heads and rice.” We were never quite sure if he was just joking having taught us all to clean buckets of fish, there was always a good supply of fish heads! He loved to tease!
Neale loved his Dad, Charles “Vern” Coon, his mom, Katie Coon, and sister, Verna Foster who all preceded him in death. He will be remembered by his faithful wife, Janet, his seven children, Aaron, Angie, Sean, Lisa, Nicole, Ginger and Christian, and by multiple grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Goodbye Pop! Hoping to see you on the flip side!
The obituary above was submitted on behalf of Neale Coon’s family. The Lost Coast Outpost runs obituaries of Humboldt County residents at no charge. See guidelines here.