Eureka Drivers Get to Learn a Whole New Kind of Traffic Signal
City of Eureka press release:
The City of Eureka will be retrofitting some City-owned traffic signals with new flashing yellow left turn arrows.
This signal has been demonstrated to be safer and more efficient and has been used successfully for a number
of years in other states.
The City will be installing flashing yellow left turn arrow signals at the intersections of
Harris & E, Harris & F, Buhne & H, and Buhne & I in the next week. The new traffic signal head is a configuration
of four lighted arrows as shown below.
Here’s what you’ll see and what it means:
During the flashing yellow arrow phase, and before entering the intersection, look left and straight ahead for on-
coming traffic, bicyclists and pedestrians. On-coming cars, bicycles and pedestrians will have the right of way.
Flashing yellow arrow signals provide more opportunities to make left hand turns, which mean less delay,
making the signalized intersection more efficient. When flashing yellow arrows replace green ball signals, this
configuration and signal operation can improve safety by reducing driver error due to its intuitive nature.
The traffic signal installation is scheduled to occur beginning on Tuesday February 20th,
weather permitting.
There will be controlled traffic for vehicles and pedestrians during times of work.
Please drive carefully in the vicinity of this and all work zones and visit the City of Eureka’s website
for more information about flashing yellow arrow traffic signals at
If you have questions or comments about the flashing yellow left turn signal, please contact the Traffic
Engineering Division at 441-4181 or Scott Ellsmore at