Maybe take advantage of this unseasonably warm February we’re having and check out the latest section of the Eureka Waterfront Trail sometime this week, hmm?
Tuesday afternoon nearly a hundred people gathered behind Blue Ox Millworks near the foot of one of the trail’s giant metal causeways for a brief ribbon cutting ceremony. Eureka Mayor Frank Jager thanked the people and agencies who played a part in the trail’s construction before taking up the comically large pair of scissors that always seem to find their way to such city events.

Mayor Frank, ribbon cutter
“So let’s officially open this jewel,” Jager said before cutting the red ribbon and ushering people onto the bridge.
“Isn’t it beautiful?” Eureka City Councilmember Kim Bergel said. “It’s such an asset to our city.”
The Eureka Waterfront Trail now extends more than six miles, from Herrick Avenue to Tydd Street.

The purple part is done now, people