Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office Warns You: Beware of ‘Car Prowl’ aka Theft from Vehicles
Press release from the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office:
The Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office has received an increase in reports of vehicle burglaries
and vandalisms on beaches along the Samoa peninsula, including the Samoa Dunes and the
Ma-le’l Dunes.
Car prowl, also known as theft from vehicles, is a crime of opportunity. An offender makes a
decision to break into a vehicle based on a perception that there are items of value inside the
vehicle, which
makes the potential payoff worth the risk. A car prowl can be completed in a
minute or less, leaving very little investigative clues behind.
Because car prowl is a crime of opportunity, there are steps the public can take to prevent this
crime from occurring.
Keep the interior of your vehicle “showroom” clean. Always remove valuables from inside
your vehicle. The Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office commonly receives reports of purses,
bags, briefcases and wallets being stolen from vehicles. We have even received reports
of thieves breaking in to steal a pair of sunglasses. Even if you do not believe the item is
of value, remove it from plain site.
Be cautious when storing valuables in your trunk. If your vehicle is equipped with a trunk
release button on the inside, car prowlers can easily access your vehicle’s trunk space.
While “hiding” items in your trunk may reduce the chance for your vehicle to be a target,
the action will not completely protect you from theft.
Remove garage door openers, key cards, and house, work or car keys from your vehicle.
Always lock your vehicle, even if you are home. In public places, it may be tempting to
leave your vehicle windows down to avoid vandalism. However, this puts you at even
more risk, leaving vehicle registration and insurance information accessible to anyone
nearby and increasing your chances of falling victim to identity theft, burglaries at your
home and vehicle theft.
Whether at the beach, at the river or on the trails, take extra precautions to protect your property
while enjoying Humboldt County’s great outdoors.
To report a vehicle burglary or related criminal activity, please contact the Humboldt County
Sheriff’s Office non-emergency line at (707) 445-7251.