The Coast Guard and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife
rescued a surfer who was swept out to sea near Crescent City, Saturday.
The surfer’s sister
called the Del Norte County Sheriff’s Office, who then transferred the
call to Coast Guard Sector Humboldt Bay watchstanders, at approximately
2:45 p.m., stating that she was watching her sister surf near South
Beach in Crescent City when she lost sight of her.
Sector Humboldt Bay
issued an urgent marine information broadcast and launched a Sector
Humboldt Bay MH-65 Dolphin helicopter crew. The California Department of
Fish and Wildlife and the Del Norte County Sheriff’s Office launched
boat crews to the scene.
Petty Officer 2nd Class
Matthew Bowman, a machinery technician assigned to the Coast Guard
Cutter Dorado in Crescent City, joined the California Department of Fish
and Wildlife boat crew to search the area. The two agencies were
conducting joint boardings in the area, Saturday.
Bowman and the wardens
aboard the California Department of Fish and Wildlife boat located the
surfer alive, brought her aboard the boat and took her to shore where
emergency medical services personnel were waiting.
“Currents and riptides
along the California coast can be dangerous,” said Cmdr. Brendan
Hilleary, Sector Humboldt Bay’s operations officer. “It was very smart
of this surfer to have a buddy on scene to watch her. This rescue was
the result of seamless interagency cooperation. We’re proud to work
alongside such dedicated members of our partner agencies.”