Eyes on the Roads: Here’s Friday’s Humboldt Road Closures List
Plowin’ Lord Ellis Summit Friday Morning | Caltrans
The snow is low! Caltrans has been extra busy plowing snow on Humboldt’s various escape routes, including highways 199, 299 and 36. All are open at this time, but chain controls are in place for Highway 36 between mile posts 22 and 41.
Some county roads have not been as lucky. As they do, the Humboldt County Department of Public Works is keeping tabs on which roads aren’t fairing as well in bout of weather we’re having (see below). LoCO will update this list throughout the day as we hear more.
The following road closures are in effect:
Meridian Road is closed at p.m. 0.75.
Coffee Creek Road is closed at p.m. 1.00.
McCann Road’s Ferry is running.
Bair Road is closed between Stover Road intersection to Hoopa Valley.