I was gobsmacked last week when someone asked me what I meant when I said I was knackered. In an effort to ameliorate further confusion, I offer this brief guide to Brit-speak.

Tower Bridge, London during 2012 Olympics (Look4mybio, Creative Commons)
“Oh, sorry!” = “Hey idiot, you just stepped on my freaking toe!”
“Sorry?” = Speak up, I can’t barely hear you!
“Sorry” = sorry.
“Head down that way and take a right at the lights” = I have no idea how to get there, but I’d die of embarrassment to have to admit it.
“Not bad” = bloody brilliant
“Could be worse” = see “Not bad.”
“The bee’s knees” = totally awesome
“Spiffing” = excellent
“Chuffed” = happy
“Skint” = broke
“It’s fine, really” = I can’t start to tell you how pissed at you I am.
“Lovely!” = can we finish this conversation right now please?
“Spend a penny” = have a pee
“Take the Mickey” = tease, ridicule
“Extract the Michael” = see above
“Sweet Fanny Adams (FA)” = nothing
“Brass monkey weather” = cold (i.e. cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey)
“Pull the other one (leg)” = I don’t believe a word you’re saying
“A bit of the other,” “Nookie,” “How’s your father,” “You know,” = sex, sex, sex, sex
“Bristols” = breasts
“Winge” = complain
“Feeling grotty” = feeling sick
“Gone pear-shaped” = SNAFU
“Don’t get your knickers in a twist!” = Calm down!
“Bit of a sticky wicket” = life-threatening situation
“Bit of a pickle” = see above
“Bollocks!” = bullshit!
“Bob’s your uncle” = everything’s OK
Blimey, that took a bit of a balls-to-the-wall effort. Now I’m knackered. Time for a quick cuppa before the trouble-and-strife gets home. Sorry.