EPD Sergeant Ed Wilson and Detective Corrie Watson | EPD
Eureka Police Department press release:
On Monday, October 8, 2018, 15 members of the Eureka Police Department participated
in the department’s second 8-hour training session on Principled Policing, a discussion
of procedural justice and implicit bias taught by certified EPD instructors. The first
training session was held in March 2018. A third session is planned for the first quarter
of 2019.
According to one of the instructors, Detective Corrie Watson:
“Sergeant Ed Wilson and I have trained 34 of our officers to date in the Principled
Policing curriculum provided by the California Commission on Peace Officer
Standards and Training (P.O.S.T.). The class emphasizes the four tenants of
procedural justice which are: voice, neutrality, respect, and trustworthiness. We
also teach about implicit bias and what the science has taught us about human
behavior. We brainstorm ideas on how to move past the barriers created by
implicit biases between law enforcement and the community and discuss
strategies to help implement these ideas in our everyday work.”
Eureka Police Chief Steve Watson had this to say about the Principled Policing training:
“This training reflects our continuing commitment to building trust and legitimacy
within our community and organization. Each day EPD officers have hundreds of
encounters with members of our community. We understand the nature and
process of an encounter can be even more impactful than the outcome in shaping
a community member’s appraisal of the interaction. Our legitimacy as law
enforcement officers is derived not only by what we do, but by how we do it.
Additional information about Principled Policing training follows:
“The 8-hour P.O.S.T. (Peace Officer Standards and Training) certified course combines
the principles of Procedural Justice and Implicit Bias in order to create a broad
awareness of these two important concepts. Procedural Justice is a research-based
and cost-effective paradigm that was designed to increase peace officer’s ability to
improve the public’s confidence and trust in law enforcement agencies. One of the main
principles of Procedural Justice is the development of a spirit of teamwork between law
enforcement agencies and community members. Implicit bias is described as the
thoughts or feelings about social groups of which people may be unaware, yet can
influence their decisions and actions.
Law enforcement can improve trust and relationships between law enforcement
agencies and their communities by using these principles to evaluate their policies,
procedures and training within their departments. In addition, developing an
understanding of these two concepts will enable law enforcement to improve safety and
well-being for the public and law enforcement alike.”
Covered topics included ethics, legitimacy, policing goals, cynicism, history, implicit bias
and what changes we can start making now. The core training curriculum and materials
were created by the California Department of Justice and P.O.S.T. with the assistance of
Stanford University professors.”