Photos of the damages by Michael Ives.

The McKinleyville post office located on the 1500 block of City Center Road was vandalized over the long weekend, with numerous P.O. boxes forced open.

USPS estimates that more than $10,000 in damages were caused to the building between the P.O. boxes and the additional damage done to a post office window and back door.

While dozens of boxes were opened, Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office spokesperson Samantha Karges told the Outpost that no mail has been reported stolen at this time. 

“We have not received reports from members of the public who believe their mail has been stolen, but it is possible that whoever vandalized the boxes also took mail, as some mail was found on the ground,” Karges said. “If members of the public had their mail stolen in this incident, they can call us and make a report if they know what was stolen.”

The HCSO believes the crime occurred sometime between Friday night and early Saturday morning, and asks any potential witnesses call deputies (707) 445-7251.

This investigation is ongoing.