Images courtesy Mike McGuire’s office.

From the office of Senator Mike McGuire:

Eureka, CA — For the fourth year in a row, local high school students and community members came together to make the Humboldt Holiday Food Drive one of the most successful on the North Coast. 

Over 20,000 pounds of food was donated to Food for People thanks to the thousands of Humboldt high school students who rallied over the past three weeks.

Community food donations hit a four year high last night – with dozens of folks walking and driving up to the food drive – and a record number of monetary donations were received. Monetary donations totaled just over $5,000 this year.

“Humboldt does it like no one else! We were overwhelmed with the generosity from thousands of Humboldt County high school students and neighbors on Wednesday night,” Senator Mike McGuire said. “The students of Ferndale, Fortuna, St. Bernard’s, Eureka, McKinleyville and Arcata high schools stepped up big time and gave the gift of generosity this holiday season. The students are the stars who make this entire event possible.”

As part of a friendly competition during the food drive — the high school that collects the most canned and non-perishable food items wins the Humboldt Holiday Food Drive Showdown. The winning school receives a $750 cash prize that will help pay for a future dance.

While food continues to trickle in, Senator McGuire was able to announce the top three highest performing schools on Wednesday evening. The winner of the 2019 coveted Golden Can Award is St. Bernard’s! This makes the high school a three-time winner of the Humboldt Holiday Food Drive. Coming in a close second and third place are the students from McKinleyville and Arcata high schools.

According to Food for People, all of the food and money donated Wednesday evening will help feed thousands of families, kids and seniors all the way through early spring of 2020.