With the question of possible juror misconduct still looming, jurors in the trial of Arcata rancher Ray Christie were excused Friday afternoon and told to return Monday morning.

Christie, his attorney and prosecuting attorneys were all grim-faced after a closed-door hearing with Judge Christopher Wilson, who had been informed earlier today that at least one juror was refusing to deliberate or follow the law.

Deputy District Attorney Adrian Kamada said he could not comment on whether a decision has been made on dismissing a juror. Another possibility is that jurors, who were all questioned privately today, told Wilson the panel is hopelessly deadlocked.

In that case, Wilson would have to declare a mistrial and the District Attorney’s Office may or may not decide to take Christie to trial again on charges of animal cruelty and dumping cattle carcasses within 150 feet of state waters.

Jurors deliberated for six days and were beginning the seventh when Wilson was sent two notes saying at least one juror would not deliberate.

Wilson indicated that the juror had stated their opinion on Christie’s guilt or innocence when deliberations began and had refused to budge later.