On February 1, 2019 Aawok JoAnn (Charles-Scott) Moore went home to be
with her parents Aawok Robert Charles and Aawok Ada Waukell Charles
and children: Brenda, Byron, Jesse, and grandson Demetrie Steele.
JoAnn was born on December 10, 1948 in Klamath. She grew up in Del Norte and Mendocino counties. She is survived by her children Mary, Ronnie, Vlayne, Merle, Rose’el, John and Frannie and her siblings Jeannette, Arlen, Fern and Lloyd.
Grandchldren: Nicole, Misha, Alexis, Alexandrea, Raven, Athena, Ryon, Byron, Talia, Robert, Den’e, Wautec, Ira, Wecohah, Jesse, Waukell, Donoa, Tamesha, Makala, Aliyah, Dristan, Jordan, Cheyenne, John Jr, Jesse, Demitri, Juan, Frankie, Ricky, Les, John and Tyren.
Aawok JoAnn was a well known basketweaver, speicifically for medicine baskets and baby rattles. She loved going to bingo with Jeannette, Delray, Vlayne, Rose’el and Donoa.
She also loved going to dart night with Leanna and Jerry Berghagen at the Country Club. Aawok JoAnn was a fisherwoman most of her life and loved canning fish with her son Merle. She was a very loving mother, grandmother, auntie and sister. She loved her family very much and always had a smile on her face. Aawok JoAnn had a huge heart and raised Micah, Kim, Frannie and Tyren. She always got everyone gifts and loved baking on the holidays. She loved watching and participating in her grandchildren’s sports. She was proud of her grandchildren’s achievements and participating in their culture and ceremonies. Aawok JoAnn loved watching football, especially her 49er team. She loved making Jello for Ira everyday. Aawok JoAnn was very loved and will be deeply missed by many other family members and friends.
The services will be held on Wednesday, February 6, 2019 at 10 a.m. at the Resighini Rancheria Building. A boat ride will begin at 11 a.m. leaving from Requa Boat Ramp and ending at Waukell Cemetery. Reception after cemetery services will be at the Yurok Tribal Office at 1 p.m. The wake/visiting will be on February 5, 2019 at 125 Klamath Blvd, Vlayne’s home.
The obituary above was submitted on behalf of Aawok JoAnn Moore’s family. The Lost Coast Outpost runs obituaries of Humboldt County residents at no charge. See guidelines here.