Map: FlightAware
For those planning summer trips to SoCal, you will no longer be limited by only one flight option per day. Since direct flights from Humboldt County to and from Los Angeles began in June of last year, the service has apparently been a smash hit. Enough so, that United Airlines has decided to add a second flight per day starting in May!
Press release from the Redwood Regional Economic Development Commission:
The Redwood Region Economic Development Commission (RREDC) and the Humboldt County Department of Aviation announced today that United Airlines will be adding a second departure to LAX starting May 29, 2019.
United Airlines had previously announced that nonstop service from Humboldt County (ACV) to Denver International Airport (DEN) will start June 7, 2019.
With the addition of the second LAX flight, the summer schedule will include six departures per day, one to Denver, two to Los Angeles, and three to San Francisco.Flights to and from Los Angeles have been very popular from the very start of the service. RREDC and the County Department of Aviation would like to extend their gratitude to the flying public for their enthusiastic support of the service.